Julia stands in front of a microphone with trees behind her. Text: Park Comedy February 2025

February 2025 Newsletter

The 24-25 season of Park Comedy is in full swing. It seems strange that we are already 1/2 way through summer but as they should say, “Time and Seasons wait for no one”.

All our shows are true open mics with a continuously rotating cast. If you’d like to perform, you can sign-up to perform at our google form or just come along to watch and if you’d like a go talk to the MC and we’ll squeeze you in if we can.

This month we’re continuing our regular stand-up open mics and have two of the Gong style gigs we developed over the last three years. Gong is fast, furious, comedy where randomly selected judges decide who finishes, and ultimately who wins.

We still have two gigs in January. Monday 27th in Selwyn Domain, Mission Bay and Thursday 30th in Te Pai Park, Henderson.

Our February schedule is (* = Gong):

  • February 3rd, 17th* & 27th Jellicoe Park, Onehunga. A beautiful grassed hillside near the memorial arch on Quadrant Road. Unfortunately the ground hasn’t properly dried yet from Summer & Winter and we can’t perform there if there’s been any significant rain on the day.
  • February 6th* & 20th Selwyn Domain, Mission Bay. A thin layer of grass over sand so it drains quickly after rain. We can perform there in the evening after moderate rain in the morning.
  • February 20th Coyle Park a 5 hectare park, with grassy open spaces, mature trees, harbour views, and impressive cliff faces at the other end of Point Chevalier Road to where we used to perform outside the now demolished library. We perform just to the left when you come through the gates at the end of Pt Chev Road.
  • 13th February Potters Park, Balmoral.  Another beautiful grassed hillside on the corner of Balmoral & Dominion Roads we’ll set up near the 5.6 metre walking boy statue. Unfortunately when it comes to rain, this park is in the same situation as Jellicoe Park and we can’t perform there if there’s been moderate rain on the day or worse the day before or sometimes severe rain 2 days previous.
  • February 24th Te Pai Park. Henderson. Open grass spaces and lots of mature trees to provide shade. We’ll be on the grassed area on the corner of Te Tai Place and Lincoln Road.

More information on each gig is available from our website’s calendar.

We would like to continue into March but that depends on what the weather does and we will carefully study long range forecasts available mid February so watch this space.

Looking forward to seeing you there

Julia & Tessa Clement




